Call for Technology to Separate Tritium from Water Treated with Multi-Nuclide Removal Equipment (ALPS) at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings

Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI) are globally soliciting a viable technology to separate tritium from water treated with Multi-Nuclide Removal Equipment (ALPS)(hereinafter, "ALPS treated water"), which is being generated at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. (hereinafter, "TEPCO").
Promising proposals selected after document screening will be examined for specific designs and technical demonstration tests will be conducted with the aim of establishing technology. We are looking forward to your proposals to solve this important technical problem.

In relation to the open call for "Technology to separate Tritium from Water Treated with Multi-Nuclide Removal Equipment (ALPS)", it was reported that there were acts such as demanding money based on a false information that their proposal has been adopted.
TEPCO Group Companies, Mitsubishi Research Institute Group Companies and the relevant ministries will NOT demand for any money related to this open call.


TEPCO released "TEPCO Holdings’ Action in Response to the Government’s Policy on the Handling of ALPS Treated Water" on April 16, 2021, to ensure its response is strictly based on the Government’s Policy1 and began to discharge the ALPS treated water into the sea on August 24, 2023. Large amounts of the water will not be discharged at once and the time required for decommissioning will be used effectively.
The existence of a technology to separate tritium that can be used on ALPS treated water at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station has not been confirmed yet; hence, TEPCO will continue to keep a close eye on new developments in the technology during this time.

Note 1: At the 5th meeting of "Inter-ministerial council for Contaminated Water, Treated Water and Decommissioning (April 13, 2021)," Basic Policy on handling of ALPS (Multi-nuclides removal equipment) Treated Water was issued. In response to this, TEPCO announced on April 16, 2021, "TEPCO Holdings’ Action in Response to the Government’s Policy on the Handling of ALPS Treated Water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station".

Overview of the Technology

We are looking for practical technology to separate tritium from water treated by ALPS (Multi-nuclides removal equipment).

Technology details

Objectives/ALPS-treated water, the amount of radioactivity


July, 2024 – December 31, 2024
In this project, we plan to continuously call for applications from January 2025 onwards.

How to Apply

Proposal Format

Please download the Proposal Format of below, fill it out, and send it to the designated address below.
Please describe your proposal in a concise manner. Please attach reference materials, as necessary. Please note you do not submit confidential information at this process.

Format of Application



Approved Matters

Due to the very public nature of this request, there is a possibility that the names of the proposing organizations and/or individuals to be disclosed to third parties or the public whether they are selected by TEPCO or not, with prior consent in order to ensure transparency. (Whether each proposer is selected or not will not be disclosed or made public.) However, organizations and/or individuals that do not agree on disclosure are also welcomed to participate.

Handling of personal information

Please check below before applying.

Handling of personal information

Proposal Evaluation Indicators

Proposals submitted will be evaluated according to the evaluation indicators shown in below. Please be sure to check it before applying.

Evaluation Focal Points

Flow after Application

The following attachment shows the flow after application.

Anticipated Project Phases or Project Plan


Please see below for details.


Reference site

Solution Provider Help Desk

If you have any questions or request, please feel free to contact us at:

Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
Tritium Separation Technology application desk


